About Us
Welcome to Eckankar in New Hampshire! This page offers some basic information about who we are.
You’ll also find a personal message from the Regional ECK Spiritual Aide (RESA), who is the spiritual director for all Eckankar activities in “New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.”
We’re glad you’re here and hope you discover valuable information that will help you take another step on your own spiritual journey home to God.
Who We Are
Eckankar in New Hampshire is officially known as the New Hampshire Satsang Society, Inc. and is a chartered affiliate of Eckankar, our parent organization, whose international headquarters are located in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
A Regional ECK Spiritual Aide (RESA) is appointed to oversee Eckankar activities throughout the state. The RESA is assisted by an extensive organization of volunteers who coordinate regional, local, and virtual online activities. Events provide spiritual seekers with a way to connect with other like-minded people and to find out more about Eckankar. Most events are free and open to the public.
We’re glad you’re here on our website and welcome you to explore and learn more. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We’re glad to assist you!
A Personal Welcome to You From
The Regional ECK Spiritual Aide for
New Hampshire, Vermont & Maine
Dear Seeker,
Being in ECKANKAR has changed how I view the world and myself. I have learned to be authentic and to ask for truth in all things important to my life. It has helped me to clear old thought patterns that were deeply ingrained; ones that did not, could not serve me or others.
I would invite you to come and learn about this teaching, openly, without any commitment, only to yourself. I’d suggest that you watch the “Miracles in Your Life” video to really see the love that awaits you in your own heart.
With much gratitude,
Valerie Varela
Valerie Varela
Regional ECK Spiritual Aide for New Hampshire, Vermont & Maine
You are Soul. It is the real you. You are a timeless, deathless spark of God—in love, strength, and beauty—upheld by the always present Light and Sound, the Holy Spirit.
—Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Life, p. 75