The Teachings of Eckankar

You Are Soul


It is possible you are familiar with the phrase, “you are Soul”. But, just what does that mean? What is Soul?

Learning to realize your true identity, Soul, is one of the main tenets of Eckankar.

Spiritual exercises have been developed that provide each of us with a way to expand our awareness and to move beyond the limitations of our body, emotions, and mind. As we expand our understanding of who we are and of our divine nature, we can begin to see who we truly are and how we can fulfill our life’s purpose with more love.

“You are Soul. It is the real you. You are a timeless, deathless spark of God—in love, strength, and beauty—upheld by the always present Light and Sound, the Holy Spirit.” 
 – Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Life, p. 75

 Want to take a small step? Try this simple exercise called Soul Travel the Easy Way


Animals are Soul Too

Soul exists in life all around us – and it is growing and learning. This is the nature of Soul, the offspring of God. Yes, animals are Soul too.

Anyone who has had a pet has experienced the tremendous love and the many other divine attributes that emanate from these beings – large and small. The pleasure and lessons they bring to us are yet another gift for our spiritual upliftment and expansion.

CLICK HERE to discover many amazing stories about the divine nature of animals.

Karma & Reincarnation


We are Soul, an eternal being. The mission of life extends beyond the present into our past and forward into eternity. This is the divine nature of Soul.

Our past actions present themselves to us in the effects of our lives so that we can learn more about divine love. This is the blessing of spiritual growth granted to each of us.

We are gently awakening to the effects we have created and the power we have to understand the spiritual workings that rest beyond all of life’s lessons. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about reincarnation and discover how to diagnose today’s challenges through a view into our distant past.

Karma & Reincarnation


We are Soul, an eternal being. The mission of life extends beyond the present into our past and forward into eternity. This is the divine nature of Soul.

Our past actions present themselves to us in the effects of our lives so that we can learn more about divine love. This is the blessing of spiritual growth granted to each of us.

We are gently awakening to the effects we have created and the power we have to understand the spiritual workings that rest beyond all of life’s lessons.

CLICK HERE to learn more about reincarnation and discover how to diagnose today’s challenges through a view into our distant past.

Masters & Spiritual Guides


The assistance of the highest spiritual hierarchy is available to each of us. We merely have to ask for help, for they will not intrude upon our lives uninvited.

The ECK Masters are here to help guide us home to God. Their mission, as co-workers with God, is to serve all Souls who desire to advance their spiritual progression to the divine.

They are not here as saviors, or to take away our needed lessons. Rather, they are here to assist us as seekers on our journey home to God.

CLICK HERE to learn more about ECK Masters and Spiritual Guides.

Masters & Spiritual Guides


The assistance of the highest spiritual hierarchy is available to each of us. We merely have to ask for help, for they will not intrude upon our lives uninvited.

The ECK Masters are here to help guide us home to God. Their mission, as co-workers with God, is to serve all Souls who desire to advance their spiritual progression to the divine.

They are not here as saviors, or to take away our needed lessons. Rather, they are here to assist us as seekers on our journey home to God.

CLICK HERE to learn more about ECK Masters and Spiritual Guides.

Experience the Light & Sound of God


Since the dawn of time, the Light & Sound of God has revealed itself to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. These twin aspects of God are discussed in many of the ancient texts and are still available to us today.

The ECK teachings provide spiritual exercises so you can experience this Light & Sound for yourself.

The miracle, power, and wisdom of divine love is waiting for us in these twin aspects God.

CLICK HERE to begin your journey into the heart of GOD.



Dream Study


Our dreams provide a portal to our inner life. They are an opportunity to move beyond the physical world, emotions, our mental realm, and even beyond the unconscious.

Our dream state provides us the freedom to explore the worlds within and even better understand our daily lives. The spiritual exercises of ECK assist in the process of unlocking and decoding our frequently cryptic dream state.

CLICK HERE to begin a journey into discovering the secret language of your dreams.

Advanced Spiritual Living Courses


Join a worldwide community of spiritual seekers who obtain monthly lessons to enhance their lives. These self-study courses provide you with advanced spiritual techniques to access a higher state of consciousness. They may also be studied with fellow students in a group called “Satsang”. 

Benefits include:

  • Lessons that provide profound insight into your eternal nature as Soul
  • Physical and virtual classes, discussions, and seminars
  • A quarterly newsletter from the leader of Eckankar
  • Opportunities for both spiritual service and spiritual community

CLICK HERE to learn out more the Advanced Spiritual Living Courses


Receive 2 Books Free 

These two easy to read books are packed with simple yet profound spiritual insights.

Find out for yourself how the teachings of Eckankar can assist you. Harold Klemp reveals truths to make your passage through life more fulfilling and uplifting.

CLICK HERE to obtain these two enlightening books